About Rounds Photography

Saturday, August 13, 2011

...N&K {Wedding}...

They met during college, brought together by their mutual friends, love of education, college football and local bars :) N&K are the couple that you know will last forever the second that you meet them...they are truly present in their love for each other and I couldn't stop capturing them on their wedding day...too many great pictures, I wish I could post all 1000 + of them!

Katie Rounds, Round Lens Photography www.roundlensphotography.com

...H {Family}...

So I quickly learned that a location with all concrete walls and floors in the middle of the summer is probably too warm for three young kids...these three didn't seem to mind though, and the rosy cheeks are actually kind of cute :)

Katie Rounds, Round Lens Photography www.roundlensphotography.com

...CC{6 Month}...

Little Ms. C was one of the happiest babies at her photo shoot...and I wouldn't blame her, she has pretty cool parents and every reason to smile (minus the 100 degree weather we made her endure). Her mother is one of my old (insert tear!) co-workers who made the tough decision to leave work to stay home with her little lady...I admire that decision so much as it is something every working mother struggles with!

Katie Rounds, Round Lens Photography www.roundlensphotography.com


For first time parents, Mr. J's parents were so relaxed and calm the entire time during his shoot. I can't tell you how much this also helped the baby also relaxed....after a few minutes of rocking, he was out like a light!

Katie Rounds, Round Lens Photography www.roundlensphotography.com